We would like to invite you to celebrate with us Polish victory over communists in 1920 and join us in this sentimental journey. As President Woodrow Wilson used to say: 'Friendship is the only cement that will ever hold the world together.’ We hope the emotional game will allow you to understand us better - the Polish soul, dignity, determination and will lead to better, more genuine friendship between us.
Before you open the package containing all the necessary items marked 1-6, please read the instruction on how to play the Emotional Game.
It is carefully described in the catalogue accompanying the package.
It is essential to highlight that our victory over Soviet communists was possible also thanks to the determined American assistance and also because of American ideas.
Spending some time with this package, “playing” the emotional game and reading articles in the catalogue, you will learn more about Poles, Polish and American heroes, Ignacy Jan Paderewski and Woodrow T. Wilson, Jan Kowalewski, Merian Cooper as well as Polish-American friendship.
You will go back in time. You will learn something invaluable and you will have an opportunity to bring it back to your life. Some forgotten moments, like spending a dream-like evening, immersed in natural candlelight, listening to great classical music, surrounded by the scent of the forest during rainfall, drinking homemade tea and having a piece of a homemade cake, prepared according to a recipe dated 1920. You will also remind yourself of hand written letters, elegant and full of attentive emotions.
What you need is ample time on your own or with your family and/or close friends.
We wish you great emotions.
Let’s lem! - let's come up with something that could be the beginning of something new, unique and groundbreaking in the history of human civilization.
In the Year of Stanisław Lem, we have great pleasure to announce a competition for students in grades 6-8 of primary schools and grades 1-3 of high school, under the title ‘Let's lem’.
The English idiom ‘Let's lem’ is intended to encourage you to come up with something fantastic that may become a real object in the future. The phrase itself means ‘be creative!’ and is synonymous with creative thinking, without limits.
Stanisław Lem, writer, philosopher, visionary, predicted the future we live in. He created iconic inventions of modern times in literature a few decades earlier than the research and development works on them began. In the 1950s and 1960s he invented in his books everything that is now called the Internet, audiobook, smartphone, drone or VR.
The most interesting competition entries, i.e. a description of a creative idea, a product of the future, will be included in the book (e-book) published under the title – ‘Let's lem’. Entries can be submitted in any form: in writing, graphically or as a recording.
Perhaps in a dozen or even several dozen years, the effect of our competition will constitute another Polish invention that will affect the fate of the world greatly and positively.
KGHM Polska Miedź S.A. is the patron of the Sense Poland 2021Educational Edition – being the leader of innovation in Poland and in the world. The status of an international corporation obliges KGHM to carry out more and more research on development. Innovation is the key to further expanding the company's knowledge and experience.
We invite you to participate in this creative game.
Let’s lem without limits.